Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn cash for our school! Each Box Top is worth 10¢ for our school! Just look for the pink Box Tops on hundreds of products. All you have to do is clip them and send them to school.
There are three easy ways you can help raise money for our school:
- Clip – Clip the Box Tops from hundreds of participating products and send them in with your child to Homeroom. In the Fall and Spring, the homeroom class that collects and turns in the most Box Tops will win a donut breakfast and the teacher will receive a gift card.
- Shop online – Shop at your favorite online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace (boxtops4education.commarketplace). Randall can earn Box Tops with every qualifying purchase you make, at no additional cost to you.
- Sign up to support our school at, where you can:
- See how much our school is earning with Box Tops
- Enter online promotions for chances to win Box Tops and other prizes
** Students should bring in all Box Tops to their home room class.